Instrumental music is a truly magical language. It can tell a story, comfort the soul, stimulate the intellect and create pictures in the mind. And all without a single word being uttered.

Felix Mendelssohn probably said it best -“People usually complain that (instrumental) music is so ambiguous, while words are understood by everyone. But for me it is exactly the opposite...what the music I love expresses to me are thoughts not too indefinite for words, but rather too definite.”

And from Carlos Santana -“I realised a long time ago that instrumental music speaks a lot more clearly than English, Spanish, Yiddish, Swahili, any other language. Pure melody goes outside time.”

I'm a pianist, guitarist, violist, arranger and composer of instrumental songs. Using topical and universal themes, I like to inject a sense of poetry and imagery into my music. What you'll hear are pieces created for a mixed acoustic and electronic chamber ensemble from classical, electronica and jazz blues influences.

I sincerely hope my music resonates with you and brings pleasure to your life.

Robert Cook Sier

Featured Track for July

From my debut album Old Town

My 2022 debut album OLD TOWN


Robert Cook Sier

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“This album might take you for a stroll through the rich history of a beautiful and intriguing old town, or cause you to simply reflect on a life well-lived, or something else entirely. Such is the interpretive allure of instrumental music.” - RCS

All compositions by Robert Cook Sier except Air on a Canon (Johann Pachelbel) and Für Elise (Ludwig

“This album might take you for a stroll through the rich history of a beautiful and intriguing old town, or cause you to simply reflect on a life well-lived, or something else entirely. Such is the interpretive allure of instrumental music.” - RCS

All compositions by Robert Cook Sier except Air on a Canon (Johann Pachelbel) and Für Elise (Ludwig van Beethoven).

All tracks arranged, performed (using live, electronic and sampled instruments) and produced by Robert Cook Sier.

Stock cover image by Konoplytska.

(c) & (p) Robert Cook Sier 2022. All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication, transmission, rental, public performance or broadcast is prohibited.

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Best wishes for 2024! 

Just a quick note to wish everyone a happy, healthy, safe and successful 2024. I'm still working on sketches for the new album and hoping at this stage to release it in October or November. I may seem rather quiet in coming months as I'm less likely to publish song by song this time around, and will wait until I'm closer to completing the album and nearer to the release date.

Thanks again for your continued support for Old Town. From a Railway Carriage seems to have become the favorite track, with Guns and White Roses gaining recent popularity (and with such tragic war events unfolding more and more around us, this is so very sad but perhaps not surprising).

I love hearing from you, so please do get in touch if you have any queries, comments or just want to say hello!


October already... 

It's been a while, but I thought I'd let you know I have a second album underway for release mid-next year. It will contain a few remixes and edits of some existing tracks, and Florescence may be the title track, but it will be mainly new material.

Thanks again for your kind feedback and for continuing to support my debut album Old Town. If you enjoy the album please keep spreading the word!


Checking in... 

I just wanted to post a quick note to say hello, to thank everyone for their very kind feedback on my recent album Old Town, and to let you know I'm currently taking a short break and sketching ideas for my next album. I hope life is treating you well and I plan to have some new music to share with you in coming months. Your continued support of Old Town really means a lot so thanks again for getting behind it! RCS

Für Elise - solo piano sheet music 

Für Elise, the first sheet music from my debut album OLD TOWN is now available here. I've arranged it for solo piano, but a piano quartet version (piano, violin, viola, cello/bass) is available upon request. Air on a Canon (Pachelbel) will be available for solo piano shortly! RCS

Piano Sheet Music 

Hi, just letting you know I've been asked a few times recently about piano sheet music for some of the tracks on OLD TOWN. I'm working on solo piano parts for Für Elise and Air on a Canon (Pachelbel) at the moment, to be followed then by Old Town and From a Railway Carriage. I'll check in with everyone after that to see if there is interest in sheet music for any other tracks. Also thought I'd let you know that most tracks on OLD TOWN are well suited to a piano quartet score (piano, violin, viola, cello/bass). So if anyone would like me to expand beyond just piano sheet music please do let me know.

Best wishes and thanks to everyone who has shown such great interest in OLD TOWN in its first few weeks of release! RCS

Happy 2023! 

Welcome to a new year, one which we all hope will see more peace and stability in the world than we've experienced for quite some time.

As we cross over from 2022 to 2023, the YouTube playlist for my debut album OLD TOWN is nearly complete, with just a reprise of the title track required to finish it off. In a few weeks I'll merge these videos into a single 32 minute video of the full album. I've started work on my next album for release around Easter 2024, and at this stage I plan to use Florescence as the title track. This album will contain a few existing tracks but will be mostly new material.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe year ahead, and thanks as always for your continued support and encouragement.


OLD TOWN YouTube Playlist 

Along with the release of my debut album OLD TOWN, I'm building a video playlist to accompany the album on YouTube. The same videos are also available here on this site on my Video page as I add a new one every two weeks.


OLD TOWN - album release date! 

I've just put Friday October 21st in the calendar for the release of my first album Old Town. The title track, which you already know, will open and close the album. While Old Town is a compilation of some of my single releases, it's also a concept album with a very deliberate choice and sequence of tracks to take listeners on a journey. I've re-arranged, remixed and remastered a few tracks to create a more cohesive album listening experience.

Initially, Old Town will be a digital only release available in both mp3 and lossless wav formats, but if there is enough interest I'll happily press some CDs for those who prefer that format. Special thanks to some very special fans across the globe who've provided me with such great support and encouragement to reach this milestone. I'll do my best to contact you for a free pre-release copy as a token of my gratitude.