Instrumental music is a truly magical language. It can tell a story, comfort the soul, stimulate the intellect and create pictures in the mind. And all without a single word being uttered.

I'm a pianist, guitarist, violist, arranger and composer of instrumental songs. Using topical and universal themes, I like to inject a sense of poetry and imagery into my music. What you'll hear are pieces created for a mixed acoustic and electronic chamber ensemble from classical, electronica and jazz blues influences.

I sincerely hope my music resonates with you and brings pleasure to your life.

Robert Cook Sier

OLD TOWN the album - out now!

Use the DOWNLOAD button below to purchase the album as high quality lossless wav files (24 bit/44.1k, 493MB zipped file download). Click here to select the smaller mp3 file format.


Robert Cook Sier

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“This album might take you for a stroll through the rich history of a beautiful and intriguing old town, or cause you to simply reflect on a life well-lived, or something else entirely. Such is the interpretive allure of instrumental music.” - RCS

All compositions by Robert Cook Sier except Air on a Canon (Johann Pachelbel) and Für Elise (Ludwig

“This album might take you for a stroll through the rich history of a beautiful and intriguing old town, or cause you to simply reflect on a life well-lived, or something else entirely. Such is the interpretive allure of instrumental music.” - RCS

All compositions by Robert Cook Sier except Air on a Canon (Johann Pachelbel) and Für Elise (Ludwig van Beethoven).

All tracks arranged, performed (using live, electronic and sampled instruments) and produced by Robert Cook Sier.

Old book stock cover image by Konoplytska.

(c) & (p) Robert Cook Sier 2022. All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication, transmission, rental, public performance or broadcast is prohibited.

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